Course Progression¶
If you would like a smooth transition in learning deep learning concepts, you need to follow the materials in a sequential order. Some sections are still pending as I am working on them, and they will have the icon beside them.
1. Practical Deep Learning with PyTorch¶
- Matrices
- Gradients
- Linear Regression
- Logistic Regression
- Feedforward Neural Networks (FNN)
- Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)
- Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN)
- Long Short Term Memory Neural Networks (LSTM)
- Autoencoders (AE)
- Fully-connected Overcomplete Autoencoder (AE)
Variational Autoencoders (VAE)
Adversarial Autoencoders (AAE)
Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN)
2. Improving Deep Learning Models with PyTorch¶
- Derivatives, Gradients and Jacobian
- Gradient Descent and Backpropagation (From Scratch FNN Regression)
- Learning Rate Scheduling
- Optimizers
- Advanced Learning Rate Optimization
- Weight Initializations and Activation Functions
Overfitting Prevention
Loss, Accuracy and Weight Visualizations
Data Preprocessing for Images and Videos
Data Preprocessing for Time Series
3. Deep Reinforcement Learning with PyTorch¶
- Supervised Learning to Reinforcement Learning
- Markov Decision Processes and Bellman Equations
- Dynamic Programming
Monte Carlo Approach
Policy Gradient: REINFORCE
Policy Gradient: Actor-Critic
Policy Gradient: A2C/A3C
Policy Gradient: ACKTR
Policy Gradient: PPO
Policy Gradient: DPG
Policy Gradient: DDPG (DQN & DPG)
4. From Scratch with Python and PyTorch¶
- From Scratch Logistic Regression Classification
From Scratch FNN Classification
From Scratch CNN Classification
From Scratch RNN Classification
From Scratch LSTM Classification
From Scratch AE
5. Large Language Models with PyTorch¶
What is Temperature