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Autoencoders with PyTorch

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About Autoencoders

Feedforward Neural Network (FNN) to Autoencoders (AEs)

  • Autoencoder is a form of unsupervised learning.
    • This is a big deviation from what we have been doing: classification and regression which are under supervised learning.
    • There are no labels required, inputs are used as labels.
      • This is a bit mind-boggling for some, but there're many conrete use cases as you'll soon realize.
      • Just a quick preview of use cases we will be covering:
        • Denoising overcomplete AEs: recreate images without the random noises originally injected.
        • Undercomplete AEs for anomaly detection: use AEs for credit card fraud detection via anomaly detection.
        • Variational AEs for creating synthetic faces: with a convolutional VAEs, we can make fake faces.
  • An autoencoder's purpose is to learn an approximation of the identity function (mapping \(x\) to \(\hat x\)).
    • Essentially we are trying to learn a function that can take our input \(x\) and recreate it \(\hat x\).
      • Technically we can do an exact recreation of our in-sample input if we use a very wide and deep neural network.

Undercomplete and Overcomplete Autoencoders

  • When we highlighted some use cases, did you notice how we mentioned undercomplete and autocomplete AEs?
  • The only difference between the two is in the encoding output's size.
    • In the diagram above, this refers to the encoding output's size after our first affine function (yellow box) and non-linear function (pink box).
  • Undercomplete AEs: smaller
    • This is when our encoding output's dimension is smaller than our input's dimension.
      • Essentially we reduced the dimension of our data (dimensionality reduction) with an undercomplete AE
  • Overcomplete AEs: larger
    • This is when our encoding output's dimension is larger than our input's dimension
      • Essentially we increased the dimension of our data with an overcomplete AE

Fully-connected and Convolutional Autoencoders

  • Another important point is that, in our diagram we've used the example of our Feedforward Neural Networks (FNN) where we use fully-connected layers.
    • This is called Fully-connected AE.
  • However, we can easily swap those fully-connected layers with convolutional layers.
    • This is called Convolutional AE.

Autoencoders Series

  • We'll be covering a series of autoencoders in this order
    • Fully-connected Overcomplete Autoencoder (AEs): Denoising Images
    • Fully-connected Undercomplete Autoencoder (AEs): Credit Card Fraud Detection
    • Convolutional Overcomplete Variational Autoencoder (VAEs): Generate Fake Human Faces
    • Convolutional Overcomplete Adversarial Autoencoder (AAEs): Generate Fake Human Faces
    • Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs): Generate Better Fake Human Faces
